Alcohólicos Anónimos
6400 Monona Dr. Monona, WI.
Tel: 608-222-8989

Amigos en Azul (Dept. de Policia de Madison)
211 South Carroll St. Madison, WI. 53703
Tel: 608-209-2403
Correo: amigosenazul@cityofmadison.com

Argentina – Consulado General en Chicago
205 North Michigan Ave, Suite 4208/09 Chicago, IL 60601
Tel: 312-819-2610
Fax: 312-819-2612
Correo: info@consulateargentina-chicago.org


Bolivia – Consulado General en Minnesota
18036 65th Avenue North Maple Grove, MN 55411
Tel: 763-424-0265

Boys & Girls Club of Dane County
2001 Taft St. Madison, WI. 53713
Tel: 608-257-2606


Catholic Multicultural Center/Centro Multicultural Católico (Centro Guadalupano)
1862 Beld St. Madison, WI. 53713
Tel: 608-661-3512
Página Web: https://cmcmadison.org/
Immigration attorneys on staff at 608-441-0114

Centro Hispano of Dane County
810 West Badger Road Madison, WI. 53713
Tel: 608-255-3018

Centro de Derechos del Trabajar/Laborales
2300 South Park St. Madison, WI. 53713
Tel: 608-255-0376
Página Web: http://workerjustice.org/

Centro de Recursos para el Arrendador
1202 Williamson St. suite A Madison, WI.53703
Tel: 608-257-0143

Centro de Crisis por Violacion
128 East Olin Ave. Madison, WI. 53713
Tel: 608-251-7273

Chile – Consulado General en Chicago
875 North Michigan Ave, Suite 3352 Chicago, IL 60611
Tel: 312-654-8780
Fax: 312-654-8948

Clinica de Proteccion al Consumidor de UW
975 Bascom Mall Madison, WI. 53706
Tel: 608-263-6283

Colegio de Madison (MATC)/Madison College
1701 Anderson Street Madison, WI. 53704
Tel: 608-246-6100

Columbia – Consulado General en Chicago
500 North Michigan Ave, Suite 2040 Chicago, IL 60611
Tel: 312-923-1196; 312-923-9034/5
Fax: 312-923-1197
Correo: chicago95@aol.com
Página Web: cchicago@minrelext.gov.co

Community Immigration Law Center (CILC)
c/o Christ Prebyterian Church
944 East Gorham St. Madison, WI. 53703
Tel: 608-257-4845
Página Web: http://www.cilcmadison.org/

Community Legal Immigration Clinic –provides free consolations, and referrals, not direct representation, twice/month on 2nd and 4th Fridays

Consejo Latino de Educación

Consul Nacional para La Raza (NCLR)
1111 19th Street N.W. suite 1000 Washington D.C. 20036
Tel: 202-785-1670

Cruz Roja Americana
4860 Sheboygan Ave. Madison, WI. 53705
Tel: Eng. 608-227-1247 | Español 608-227-1429


DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals)

Dane County Department of Human Services/Centro de Trabajo
1801 Aberg Ave. Madison, WI. 53704
Tel: 800-362-3002; 888-794-5556

Dane County Housing Crisis Line/Línea de Crisis de Vivienda
Tel: 855-510-2323

Dane County Human Services/Servicios de Protección de Menores
3222 South Park St. Madison, WI. 53713
Teresa Téllez-Girón
Tel: 608-261-9869

Dane County Mental Health Crisis Line/Línea de Crisis de Salud Mental
Tel: 608-280-2600; 800-273-8255


Ecuador – Consulado General en Chicago
500 North Michigan Ave, Suite 1510 Chicago, IL 60611
Tel: 312-329-0266
Fax: 312-329-0359
Correo: ivan@cscns.com

El Salvador – Consulado General en Chicago
104 South Michigan Ave, Suite 707 Chicago, IL 60603
Tel: 312-332-1393
Fax: 312-332-1393

El Centro de Empleo del Condado de Dane
1819 Aberg Ave. suite C Madison, WI. 53704
Tel: 608-242-4905



Guatemala – Consulado General en Chicago
200 North Michigan Ave, 6th Fl Chicago, IL 60661
Tel: 312-332-1587
Fax: 312-332-4256
Correo: conguateh@aol.com


Honduras – Consulado General en Chicago
4506 West Fullerton Ave. Chicago, IL 60639
Tel: 773-342-8281/8289


Immigration – Madison Area Resources

  • Fabiola Hamden– Immigration Affairs Specialist, (608) 242-6260 Hamden@countyofdane.com
  • Centro Hispano–  Immigration Program (608) 442-4012, Contact: Jacqueline Suarez http://www.micentro.org/
  • Voces de la Frontera – Across Wisconsin, based in Milwaukee, grassroots immigrant rights and resources, political activism run by those most affected http://vdlf.org/
  • Alicia Armstrong – Private immigration attorney based in Sun Prairie.

Immigration – National Resources


Joining Forces for Families/Uniendo Fuerzas para Familias
3030 Darbo Drive Madison, WI. 53714
Tel: 608-246-2967



Latino Support Network (LASUP)

Legal Action of Wisconsin, Inc.
31 South Mills St. Madison, WI. 53715
Tel: 608-256-3304
Página Web: http://www.legalaction.org

Linea Nacional de Educacion para Migrantes
1-800-234-8848 (Educacion, Salud, Vivienda,
Despensa, Ropa, Cuidado de Niños O Emergencias)


Madison Metropolitan School District (Distrito Escolar de Madison)
545 West Dayton St. Madison, WI. (Administration Building)
Tel: 608-663-1879

Madison Path to Citizenship – Supports people in adjustment of status from LPR (greencard)- citizenship.

México – Consulado General en Milwaukee
Consul Julián Adem Díaz de Leon
1443 North Prospect Ave. Milwaukee, WI. 53202
Tel: 414-944-7586
Fax: 414-944-8985
Correo: conmilwaukee@sre.gob.mx
Página Web: https://consulmex2.sre.gob.mx/milwaukee/

MMG Law, LLC – Private law firm run by Matt and Cecilia Gilhouse that focuses in immigration. Some agencies such as DAIS or UNIDOS might be able to refer to MMG and pay for certain services when funding is available.


National Child Traumatic Stress Network – Search for Immigration as keyword https://www.nctsn.org/

Neighborhood Law Clinc
2312 South Park St. Madison, WI. 53713
Tel: 608-265-2441
Página Web: http://law.wisc.edu/eji/nlc/



Perú – Consulado General en Chicago
180 North Michigan Ave, Suite 1830 Chicago, IL 60661
Tel: 312-782-1599; 312-853-6173/4
Fax: 312-704-6969
Correo: conperchig@aol.com; jorroslato@aol.com

Planificacion Familiar de Wisconsin
2202 South Park St. Madison, WI.
Tel: 608-261-9256

Proteccion al Consumidor
2811 Agriculture Drive Madison, WI. 53708
Tel: 608-224-4923

Proyecto de WIC (Para Mujeres Embarazadas y Niños)
1202 NorthPort Dr. Madison, WI.
Tel: 608-242-6525; 608-267-1111



República Dominicana – Consulado General en Chicago
561 West Diversey Parkway Chicago, IL 60614
Tel: 773-529-1336
Fax: 773-529-1338

RISE Law Center – Attorneys who work under End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin and focus on victims, also provide family law services. Some funding is available through grants, clients also pay if above grants are not accessible, they are above income limits or they have been used in the fiscal year.


Spanish Speaking Family Law Assistance – Offered 1st and 3rd Wednesdays from 11:30-2:00, limited legal advice, filling out forms and other forms of assistance.
Email:   dcll.ref@wicourts.gov
Phone: 608-266-6316
215 S. Hamilton St. Room L1007
Madison, WI 53703

SSM Health Emergency Center
2840 O’Keefe Ave. Sun Prairie, WI. 53590
Tel: 608- 229-8484

SSM Health St. Mary’s Hospital
700 South Park St. Madison, WI. 53715
Tel: 608-258-6917

Stoughton Hospital
900 Ridge St. Stoughton, WI. 53589
Tel: 608-873-6611

St. Vincent de Paul
1109 Jonathon Dr. Madison, WI. 53713
Tel: 608-278-2920



Unidos en Contra La Violencia Domestica
2875 Fish Hatchery Rd. Fitchburg, WI. 53713
Tel: 608-256-9195
Tel: 800-5109195

Unión de Trabajadores Inmigrantes
Alex Gillis
Tel: 608-345-9544
Correo: alexmgillis@gmail.com

United Way of Dane County
2059 Atwood Ave. Madison, WI. 53704
Tel.# 2-1-1
Tel.# 608-246-4350

Unity Point Health-Meriter Hospital
202 South Park St. Madison, WI. 53715
Tel: 608-417-6000

Uruguay – Consulado General en Chicago
875 North Michigan Ave, Suite 1422 Chicago, IL 60611
Tel.# 312-642-3430

UW Health at The American Center
4602 Eastpark Blvd. Madison, WI 53718
Tel: 608-440-6400

UW Hospital and Clinics
600 Highland Ave. Madison, WI. 53792
Tel: 608-263-6400


Voces de la Frontera – Madison
1027 South 5th St. Milwaukee, WI. 53204
Tel: 414-643-1620
Página Web: http://vdlf.org/
Comunicados de Voces de la Fontera

Voz Latina Spanish Newspaper
1823 South Park St. Madison, WI. 53715
Tel: 608-255-0611; 608-442-3384


Wisconsin American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
207 East Buffalo St. #325 Milwaukee, WI. 53020
Tel: 414-272-4032
Página Web: http://www.aclu-wi.org/

Worker’s Rights Center – Provides education and support concerning Worker’s Rights. Most labor laws apply to workers regardless of documentation. Most of the clients at WRC are Hispanic and many are undocumented.  They also offer OHSA trainings and trainings for service providers.
